CONTACT - Brief Designer

Please complete the Brief / Concept Design form below, using the guidelines below, in order to present us more precisely with your expectations for the performance of the service for You.

Contact details

Your data will be used solely for the purpose of presenting our offer.

Structure and Design Targets?

Please write out the planned design structure. What are the goals of the Logo / Illustration, what successes do you need to achieve with your Work?

Graphical preferences and Colours?

If you have a leading colour theme, please give it and describe it briefly, we will discuss further details about the colour theme in the next correspondence.

Competition and Target Group?

Please give us the competition pages you know, and describe what you would prefer to avoid, highlight or add. If you know your clientele's target group, please give it and briefly describe their preferences.

Other Wishes, Additions, Dates, Budget?

Please write down what else we can do for you and the available lead time?


Thank You for visiting Us.

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” -Anthony Robbins