Cookies and Technologies

Why do we use cookies?

These files help us to deliver, secure and improve our website and its products by personalizing materials, customizing ads and measuring their effectiveness and safer user experience. Although the cookies we use may change as we improve and update Pages Adwers, we use them for other purposes:

-Functions and services in the service

-Analysis and research

-Advertisements, recommendations, conclusions and measurements

-Security, site and application integrity

-personalisation of the customer and targeting of the products to his needs, as well as remembering his preferences

What are cookies and technologies

  • Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information in web browsers. Cookies are used on computers, phones and other devices to store and receive identifying information and other information. Other technologies, including data stored in web browsers or devices, identification data associated with your device and other software, are used for similar purposes. We refer to all these technologies as "cookies" in this policy.

  • We use cookies when you visit an Adversary group website, or applications also use cookies, including our home and information pages. With cookies, Adwers can offer you its products and services, understand information, receive technology, including information about their use, regardless of whether you are registered or logged in.
  • This policy explains our use of cookies and the options we offer you. Except where otherwise stated in this policy, the Data Policy applies to our processing of data collected through cookies.

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